
Wednesday, June 20, 2018

My fingernails were separating from my fingers...

I know, a strange title for a post but bear with me while I take you through this journey I have traveled these past 4 years.  This may sound strange to you, but I thought you may also find it helpful.  If I read something like this long ago I may have had a less difficult time finding my answers and so I want to help some of you. 

I started having issues several years ago and would have long bouts of stomach problems that I just could not find the direct source of.  These issues I considered to be from stress, or eating poorly with high fat and low nutrient foods, not enough exercise, I just wasn't entirely sure. I just knew I had many seasons with issues that seemed to be getting closer together in progression and intensity.  

Then we moved to New Mexico.  I had stomach issues at first that I blamed on the water since I was drinking so very much of it and was not accustomed to the mineral content, but alas that didn't seem quite right.

Then I started wondering about what I was eating, I tried less fats, more fruits & veggies, but still ate a lot of other everyday foods as well and did not see what the connection was.

I began noticing my skin was getting dry patches, I suddenly had 6 cold sores within 4 months, I was feeling foggy brained and sick in my stomach more and more often.  Then the really scary stuff started happening.  My thumb nails began looking like someone pinched them at the base, there were random white streaks on some nails, there was even a dark brown streak on my left thumb that when I searched online for the reason it came back Melanoma (be careful when you look at symptoms on the internet- this can create more fear than you bargained for) and the coloring of my nails was totally off and there was no crescent moon like area at the base anymore, all of this totally elevated my concern.  But the scariest symptom was my nails then started separating from my fingers, yes you heard right, it was the strangest thing I have experienced.  My nails were getting so thin and then if I wasn't careful they would rip loose from my fingers themselves, it was so unsettling.  

At this time my husband and I did not have medical insurance and I didn't even know where I would go for answers to this dilemma.  Thankfully I had an observant Celiac sufferer take notice to my behavior and step in.  We were at a function where pizza and brownies were served, I ate a few bites of pizza, felt a little ill, ate a bite or two of the brownie and was overcome with stomach cramps.  As we were leaving prematurely with my obvious discomfort a woman came to ask me if I was alright and also asked if I was Celiac.  I said I can't be, I eat wheat products all the time and never had issues like this until these recent years.  She suggested I stay completely away from gluten for a week and if I felt better that I should get tested.  In my mind I was thinking of the lack of insurance and knew I couldn't do any test right now.  But the experiment of eliminating gluten for a week was definitely doable.

After 2 days I could not believe how much I improved, by the end of the week I was sure- gluten, or wheat, or something like this had become an issue for me.  I began intensive research to see what else I could do to keep feeling better.  I learned that my symptoms were all reflective of malnutrition because with my body reacting the way it was I was not absorbing the nutrients and thus actually suffering from malnutrition.  I saw as I stayed clear of all wheat, rye, and barley I continued to improve.  I then saw that some strange things would still give me the stomach cramps and overall sick feeling then I discovered that there are many ingredients that are actually made of wheat with different names, like modified food starch etc.  I began reading every label carefully and looking online to see if ingredients were 'safe' for me to consume.

After haphazardly changing things over a year I then found we had medical insurance again, I went through the tests to find out for sure what was going on.  I had blood work and scopes and biopsies done, I had polyps removed, I had the works. I do have a real issue with gluten. I wasn't imagining this.  I also found I developed a condition called Barrett's Esophagus and that I was going to have to get scoped every year to see how that does because it is pre-cancerous. My life has changed and I don't see that it will ever be the same again.  I eat entirely differently and am on guard at all times for issues that can come up because now when they come up the impact is staggering. 

You see when I accidentally ingest gluten now I get an allergic reaction right away.  I get stomach cramps that are hard to explain, I get nauseated, I can even get dizzy and feel out of sorts and have breathing difficulties.  

I once went into a Panera Bread to meet with a friend and though I was only consuming coffee just the airborne particles made me get red blotches on my neck and face, difficulty breathing and anxiety creep over me within 20 minutes of sitting there.  It never occurred to me this could be a problem, I thought I would have to eat the products to have a reaction, now I know and bakeries or restaurants with bread as their main focus are off limits to me.

I could go on with experiences that affirmed that this is now something I have to live with but I won't take that long here.  I do want to mention that I learned that when I have had a slight amount of gluten mistakenly there are times I can drink plenty of water, sip peppermint tea and take antihistamines and it will pass easier, but I try to never do this.  It is not worth the pain and suffering that come with even a bite of what was once my everyday life.  I am fine without any wheat bread, cakes and cookies, pastas and such made with gluten.  I am daily learning how to make due and find new healthier options.

So, my excitement today is that I actually have strong, healthy finger nails.  I have been on a path of continual health improvement and this is one place I see reflect success. It is amazing how our skin and nails can warn us of issues with our digestion, the body is so complex.  But I am abssolutely free of all symptoms that once plagued me and know that my body is absorbing nutrients and I am on my way to stronger better health.

My diet is more fresh fruits & veg, clean meats and dairy, only gluten free baked goods that I usually make myself and that's few and far between.  I am walking more and feeling stronger every day.  I believe I have gained my life back.

So I leave you now with my evidence in these pics of my hands, they are like those images people like to make of before and after when they go through a body transformation only I was too traumatized to think of doing before shots so you'll have to use your imagination.  

I hope that if you are dealing with health issues that seem to be sucking the life out of you that you find your clean, simple answers and find better days. If you are fortunate enough to have health insurance pursue those options to discover what ails you and take those steps to clean up your diet, move your body, and eliminate the poisons we are tempted with everyday by the commercial food industry.  Make your own, grow your own, share with others and find the joy in life we should experience when it comes to food and nutrition.

Thanks for taking the time to read all the way through...
take care (literally) 

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