
Monday, June 8, 2015

Finding life in old things...

I am ready to start this week off right.  I have been able to do so much today already and I thought I would shoot you a quick post to remind you/inform you that I do have another Etsy shop.  This is what you see the new link on top of this blog goes to.

I call the shop ThatOneThing because I am trying to find that one thing that reminds you of a sweet memory, or is still really useful though someone else thought it was lifeless and ready for the junk pile, or that funky eclectic piece you just can't find in the market now a days.

I love to find purpose in what others find useless.  I feel the same about lives...often we treat some people as though they are too far gone, or too old to matter, this saddens me.  If we look carefully all around us we can see new life being breathed into almost everyone.  It takes patience and care to see beyond the wounds, aging or anger to find the person worth reaching out to.  I love to reach into people's lives and pull up to the surface their natural beauty and say 'see- you still have some worth to you!'

So, as far as this idea to have a shop where you can find old pieces from the past and enjoy them again, this is just another way to bring life to the surface.  Sometimes I leave things as I find them and just offer them as they are, sometimes I alter them- hopefully improving or enhancing them.  Some day I would really love to have a physical location to visit, a shop with a work area to re-create things, a place to teach others how to repurpose, a space for people to drop by and grab a cup of coffee when they need to unwind a bit.  Ahhh, someday, but until then- Please take some time to look at what I have found recently, I hope you find that something you were actually looking for...

Take care!


here's the link to my shop: ThatOneThing

here's a few pics of fun things I have:

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