
Friday, September 25, 2015

so many plans, so little time...

Once again we face a new weekend,
I had planned on blogging so much more than I do,
I had planned on making YouTube videos for instruction and encouragement with the natural products I make,
I have been trying to put together my notes to write a book about natural choices,
I have been running 2 home businesses but I had planned on doing so much more with each this week...
But once again- we face a new weekend.

So I will just update you that I will be at Los Ranchos Growers & Arts & Crafters Market tomorrow, I will have a stand near the entrance on the grass, I will be there from 8am-noon, and I will try to see more of those plans tackled and fulfilled this week!
Take care

Friday, September 18, 2015

Updated List of Products...

I am going to list here the products I have that I can offer either at Market on Saturdays or if you cannot make that we can plan a meet up if you contact me via email or text ( contact me via facebook, email or in person for my cell number).  I am trying to find the easiest way for you to be in contact with me without me being overwhelmed with spam.  This is why if you do connect with me via email or texting I am very cautious to keep your contact information safe as well.
I do want to work towards having a method of video instruction for use of the products I make, I am working on that for the near future.  I will post when I have that working and how to find the content.
Thank you for your interest in my products, I am so pleased I am able to help you make simple natural choices to bring to the surface your most natural and beautiful YOU!

September 2015 Current Goodies:

Cleansers / Scrubs:

New Again- dry oatmeal facial Natural or Lavender
Coffee Body Scrub-coffee, oils, sugar blend...phenomenal!
Peppermint Foot Scrub-sugar, oils, salt
Special Blend scrub- lavender, vanilla & peppermint blend sugar scrub, oils
Dry Cranberry Hand Scrub-use with water
Cinnamon Lip Scrub-oils and sugar based, plumper moistened lips

Down To Earth- Calcium Bentonite Clay facial mask/spa treatment

Moisturizing & nourishing:

Rejuvenation- oil blend for makeup removal as well as oil Natural or Lavender
Lotion- Vanilla Silk or Lavender(in a jar)
Pumpkin Body Butter
Lip Balm- Lemonade, Natural, Peppermint Flavors made with local bees wax & honey

Lullaby in a Bottle- Bath oil with French Lavender and German Chamomile
Muscle Ease, Relaxation, Detoxify- Epsom based bath soaks for healing and detoxifying

Hair Products:

Shampoo- SLS Free, Rosemary Mint or Lavender
Conditioner- Peppermint or Lavender
Hair Serum- Argon Oil Blend

I also still have a few bottles of Natural Shield Insect Repellant and Sunscreen left.

I currently have together gift bags with:
vials of New Again, Down to Earth & Rejuvenation for a facial gift set...
I also have a way to bag shampoo & conditioner, can add hair serum...
I can also do a larger bottle of New Again & Rejuvenation with a lip balm...

As I get me holiday gifts and offers together I will be sure to post them as well.

I am sorry I am not creating the time to keep you informed via this blog, I will be working on making that a priority from now on.
May your day be blessed with natural beauty!

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Saturday, September 5, 2015

New market hours for fall...start today!

I  will be at Los Ranchos Market again today, but the new fall hours start this morning. . . keep in mind.


See you there!